Friday, January 19, 2007


Cogeneration economics
Calculates the the return on investment, present worth, and payback for a power plant that
produces electrical power or produces both electrical power and heat energy.

Flash tank economics
This program calculates the economic results that can be achieved by using a flash tank and a
heat exchanger to recover boiler blowdown. The program calculates the amount of flash steam and saturated
condensate that will separate when a high pressure, high temperature water steam is flashed in a tank of
lower pressure. It then assigns a dollar value to each of the two components based on the value of fuel,
boiler efficiency, etc.

Insulation economics
This program calculates the heat loss and surface temperature of an insulated pipe of
specified diameter and internal temperature. It then calculates the present worth cost, $/foot, to own
and operate each insulated system. This allows the user to select the optimum insulation thickness for
each pipe based either on the cost of the insulation and heat loss or on the maximum acceptable surface
temperature. Four types of insulation are supported. Pipe sizes through 36" are included. Three layers of
insulation are supported ranging in thickness from 0 to 10".

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

PHEdesign (Plate Heat Exchangers)
PHEdesign 1.0 program for simulations of the plate heat exchanger. By setting our controlled variables
and material properties, the optimum plate dimensions and materials can be selected by the computer program. These
are included rate of heat transfer, the size of plate heat exchanger, and chevron angle (beta) between 25 to 65
degrees under single pass condition. Also this program is capable of calculating the pressure drop in plate, from
which the energy and material can be saved by decreasing the pressure drop (decreasing horsepower per unit area)
and increasing chevron angle

Space heating load

This program calculates the maximum heating load required in a space (single zone) so
that a furnace can be sized. Heat transfer coefficients are built in for many types of wall, floors,
doors, windows, etc. Custom values can also be used. The heat needed for infiltration & humidity
control are also calculated. Final furnace sizes are tabulated with several values of efficiency.

Surface Condenser
This program, for analysis of turbine steam condensers, can either calculate the performance
of a known condenser, or can calculate the design requirements of a new condenser for a known steam load.
The steam and condensate properties are built in. Also a complete range of tube properties are built in.
The cleanliness of a given condenser can be etermined quickly using a trial and error method.

Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower Analysis is a powerful, user friendly, program for the analysis of induced,
mechanical-draft, counterflow cooling towers. The program can be used for the analysis of existing
towers or for the preparation of specifications for new towers.

Steam Heater

This program calculates the performance of a steam, shell-and-tube heat exchanger of known
construction using rigorous formulations. Steam and water properties are built in. The type of fouling can
be specified. The shell-side fluid is always steam. The tube side fluid can be any non-condensing fluid.

Heat Recovery Steam Generator
This program calculates the amount of steam that can be generated by a fired or unfired waste heat
boiler (Heat Recovery Steam Generator). The steam and condensate properties are built in. The program first
calculates a design mode and then an "off-performance mode" for changed conditions.

Insulation Economics
This program calculates the heat loss and surface temperature of an insulated pipe of specified
diameter and internal temperature. It then calculates the present worth cost, $/foot, to own and operate
each insulated system. This allows the user to select the optimum insulation thickness for each pipe based
either on the cost of the insulation and heat loss or on the maximum acceptable surface temperature. Four
types of insulation are supported. Pipe sizes through 36" are included. Three layers of insulation are
supported ranging in thickness from 0 to 10".

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger Performance is a powerful, user friendly, program for the analysis of two types of
Heat Exchangers: Shell & Multi-Tube Exchangers, and Double Pipe Exchangers. In either case, the tubes are of the
bare-tube type. The program will analyze the performance of a known heat exchanger: Given the flows and inlet
temperatures of the Tube-side fluid and the Shell-side fluid, the program will predict the exit temperatures
of both fluids and the total heat exchanged.

Physical Properties and Steam Tables

Physical Properties and Steam Tables

Tri MAXTM is a powerful software resource for the practicing engineer, chemist, or student. It is
your best source of data. Through the use of menus: data and functionality are put at the finger tips of the
power user. Tri MAXTM provides data such as periodic table, steam tables, heat capacities, critical values,
viscosities, diffusion coefficients, thermal conductivities. Math functions are also provided, such as linear
regression, quadratic equation, curve fitting, and a calculator that goes far beyond the standard calculators
available for MicrosoftTM Platforms.

zCalc is a compressibility calculator for natural gas mixtures using the American
Gas Association methodology from their AGA-8 Report. The software quickly takes a mixture of natural
gas (up to 20 components) and calculates the compressibility, molar density, mass density, base
compressibility and supercompressibility.

Steampak is a high-accuracy steam and water physical properties database and
process calculator. Steampak's algorithm is based on the equation of state of Keenan, Keyes,
Hill and Moore which is the basis of the published International Steam Tables. The process
calculator allows calculation of steam compression and expansion processes at user-selected
efficiencies including isentropic & adiabatic expansions and flash calculations.

Chempak is a powerful physical properties software package giving details of thermodynamic and transport properties of over 600 common organic and inorganic compounds as
functions of temperature and pressure. All common chemical engineering constant and variable
properties are included. Liquid and vapor phases are covered as well as saturated and
unsaturated states. Mixtures of database compounds and new liquids can be defined.
Numerical and graphical output are supported. Chempak links to Chempak II - Madison's
user-defined compounds software package.

Chempak II
Chempak II enables the user to define the thermodynamic and transport properties
of new compounds not already in the Chempak database. From as little information as the
compound chemical formula, the user can build up a complete profile of the compound
properties and add the compound to the Chempak database for future recall and calculation.
Chempak II allows the user to enter known property data and also provides sophisticated
estimation methods where no data is available. Chempak II provides the perfect companion
software to Chempak.

Steam Properties
This program calculates the properties of superheated, saturated, or wet steam. 
In addition it calculates the properties of saturated water.

Steam Tables
(Metric and US units) This program provides the thermodynamic properties of
water using IFC formulation for industrial use. Knowing any two properties, the user is able
to completely define the properties of water/steam. Unlike most steam table programs, this
program also provides the user with the point's location on the T-S diagram. Multiple points
can be connected by a line, defining the user's process system. It even gives you the steam

Physical Properties
Quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and transport properties
of gaseous, liquid and solid species.

Steam Approximations
quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and transport properties of steam for both saturated
and superheated areas.

Physical Properties and Steam Approximations
Quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and transport properties of gaseous, liquid and
solid species and steam approximations for both saturated and superheated areas.

Physical Properties Spreadsheet
Physical Properties Spreadsheet quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic and
transport properties of a few gaseous, liquid and solid species.

This spreadsheet should prove to be a good tool for those who are involved at various levels with design,
operation and management of power and propulsion systems. It should provide you with the opportunity to more
quickly, easily and effectively do your work, explore more options, save time and give more confidence in
carrying out your calculations.

Steam Approximations Spreadsheet

Steam Approximations Spreadsheet quickly, easily and reliably calculates thermodynamic
and transport properties of steam for saturated and superheated areas.

This software package should prove to be a good tool for those who are involved at various levels
with design, operation and management of power systems. It should provide you with the opportunity to
more quickly, easily and effectively do your work, explore more options, save time and give more confidence
in carrying out your calculations.

Physical Properties and Steam Approximations Spreadsheet

Physical Properties and Steam Approximations Spreadsheet quickly, easily and reliably calculates
thermodynamic and transport properties of a few gaseous, liquid and solid species and steam approximations for both
saturated and superheated areas.

This software package should prove to be a good tool for those who are involved at various levels with design,
operation and management of energy conversion systems. It should provide you with the opportunity to more quickly,
easily and effectively do your work, explore more options, save time and give more confidence in carrying out your

Psychrometrics (Archon)
This program provides Psychrometric properties of air given two properties as input values
at a known altitude (or atmospheric pressure). The properties are determined using the ideal gas law for
the behavior of air. Once the properties are determined, the point is indicated on the Psychrometric chart.
Process lines can be connected between any two know points, this will provide the user with the differences
in moving from one point to the next. Additionally, this program will allow the user to perform some basic
HVAC calculations that depend on psychrometrics.

Psychrometrics (CU Services)
This program calculates the properties of a mixture of air and water vapor such as used in HVAC
applications. In addition, the porgram calculates the results of the four most common types of heating and
cooling psychrometrics processes.


Psychrometrics (Archon)
This program provides Psychrometric properties of air given two properties as input values
at a known altitude (or atmospheric pressure). The properties are determined using the ideal gas law for
the behavior of air. Once the properties are determined, the point is indicated on the Psychrometric chart.
Process lines can be connected between any two know points, this will provide the user with the differences
in moving from one point to the next. Additionally, this program will allow the user to perform some basic
HVAC calculations that depend on psychrometrics.

Psychrometrics (CU Services)
This program calculates the properties of a mixture of air and water vapor such as used in HVAC
applications. In addition, the porgram calculates the results of the four most common types of heating and
cooling psychrometrics processes.

Processing, Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels, Mixing Systems

Processing, Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels, Mixing Systems 

Cerebro Mix

CerebroMix is a unique PC-based program which encompasses all the functionality
of the other Cerebro products, CerebroTank, CerebroPV and CerebroMixLight. It is an indispensable
tool for anyone involved in the evaluation and design of mixers in vertical tanks, either pressurized
or atmospheric. Using input data such as primary dimensions, fluid properties and certain desired
mixing objectives, the program will output full operating conditions, critical impeller speeds,
liquid level gradation, solid suspension and all system dimensions.

Cerebro PV
CerebroPV is an easy-to-use PC program to assist in the evaluation and design of
vertical and horizontal storage tanks, running either pressurized or at atmospheric conditions.
Using input data such as principal dimensions, fluid density, material, desired tank shape
(including heads) and support type, the software calculates structural characteristics for
both the tank and the support structure using ASME Section VIII Division 1 standards. This
software allows both users and manufacturers of pressure vessels to check their equipment for
various operating conditions, in order to provide a risk assessment. The program produces
output in the form of a Microsoft Word Document, with all data listed in tabular form,
together with a scale drawing of the tank and its support structure.

Cerebro Tank
CerebroTank is an easy-to-use PC program to assist in the evaluation and design of
vertical and horizontal storage tanks. Using input data such as geometric dimensions, fluid density,
support type, tank material and shape (including heads), the software calculates structural characteristics
for the tank and the supports (legs and saddles). Using the wall thicknesses provided by the software, the
user can select from a database of standard plate thicknesses; these thicknesses will be factored depending
on the degree of corrosiveness of the liquid. The program also gives flange thicknesses for the tank head,
allowing for weld efficiency.




Enviropak is a combustion calculator and incinerator design package for
organics. The user can choose from the resident database of compounds or define new
compounds. Recovery heat exchange, combustor sizing and destruction efficiency are
all features of this powerful software package. Included is a useful combustion properties
estimation module. Output includes analysis of combustion gases with computed temperature
and residence times.

Combustion Analysis
This program calculates boiler efficiency using the heat loss method of the ASME
Boiler Code PTC-4.1. The program accepts the ultimate analysis of any fuel,  % by weight
for liquids and % by volume for gases.
It performs a stochiometric analysis of the combustion and calculates the individual losses,
the quantities and types of gases produced, and the air flow required for the given %
excess air.

Fluid Flow

Fluid flow

Piping Pressure Loss
This program calculates the pressure loss of fluids flowing under pressure in circular pipes.
The program can calculate flow in either compressible mode (for gases) or incompressible flow. It allows a
choice of units: gpm, pph, scfm, or acfm. Any single-phase liquid or gas can be accepted. The properties of
water, steam and air are built in.

Pipe Network (Hardy Cross)
Hardy-Cross algorithm to determine the flow and pressure loss in each leg of a series-parallel pipe network.