Friday, January 19, 2007

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer

PHEdesign (Plate Heat Exchangers)
PHEdesign 1.0 program for simulations of the plate heat exchanger. By setting our controlled variables
and material properties, the optimum plate dimensions and materials can be selected by the computer program. These
are included rate of heat transfer, the size of plate heat exchanger, and chevron angle (beta) between 25 to 65
degrees under single pass condition. Also this program is capable of calculating the pressure drop in plate, from
which the energy and material can be saved by decreasing the pressure drop (decreasing horsepower per unit area)
and increasing chevron angle

Space heating load

This program calculates the maximum heating load required in a space (single zone) so
that a furnace can be sized. Heat transfer coefficients are built in for many types of wall, floors,
doors, windows, etc. Custom values can also be used. The heat needed for infiltration & humidity
control are also calculated. Final furnace sizes are tabulated with several values of efficiency.

Surface Condenser
This program, for analysis of turbine steam condensers, can either calculate the performance
of a known condenser, or can calculate the design requirements of a new condenser for a known steam load.
The steam and condensate properties are built in. Also a complete range of tube properties are built in.
The cleanliness of a given condenser can be etermined quickly using a trial and error method.

Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower Analysis is a powerful, user friendly, program for the analysis of induced,
mechanical-draft, counterflow cooling towers. The program can be used for the analysis of existing
towers or for the preparation of specifications for new towers.

Steam Heater

This program calculates the performance of a steam, shell-and-tube heat exchanger of known
construction using rigorous formulations. Steam and water properties are built in. The type of fouling can
be specified. The shell-side fluid is always steam. The tube side fluid can be any non-condensing fluid.

Heat Recovery Steam Generator
This program calculates the amount of steam that can be generated by a fired or unfired waste heat
boiler (Heat Recovery Steam Generator). The steam and condensate properties are built in. The program first
calculates a design mode and then an "off-performance mode" for changed conditions.

Insulation Economics
This program calculates the heat loss and surface temperature of an insulated pipe of specified
diameter and internal temperature. It then calculates the present worth cost, $/foot, to own and operate
each insulated system. This allows the user to select the optimum insulation thickness for each pipe based
either on the cost of the insulation and heat loss or on the maximum acceptable surface temperature. Four
types of insulation are supported. Pipe sizes through 36" are included. Three layers of insulation are
supported ranging in thickness from 0 to 10".

Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger Performance is a powerful, user friendly, program for the analysis of two types of
Heat Exchangers: Shell & Multi-Tube Exchangers, and Double Pipe Exchangers. In either case, the tubes are of the
bare-tube type. The program will analyze the performance of a known heat exchanger: Given the flows and inlet
temperatures of the Tube-side fluid and the Shell-side fluid, the program will predict the exit temperatures
of both fluids and the total heat exchanged.