Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Chemical Engineering Plant Design Software, Software Perancangan Pabrik Kimia

This is the list of chemical engineering plant design software.

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Steam Tracing
Vapor Pressure from Antoine Coefficients
Column Diameter and HETP Calculation
Packed Column Scrubber Design

Reactor Particle Size and Velocity Calculation
Condensate Line Sizing

Two Phase Flow in Pipes
Download this easy to use spreadsheet to estimate pressure losses in pipes with two-phase flow.

Various Chemical Engineering Calculation Spreadsheets
Zip file with Excel spreadsheets including calculations such as: unsteady state heat transfer, horizontal vessel calibration data, catenary equations, compressible flow calculations, cone and circle geometry, control valve sizing, dewpoints of acidic gases, duct calculations, orifice sizing, packed scrubber design, flat plate deflections, pump performances, and rectangular weir flow. These spreadsheet provided by Mr. Neil Stone of Esco Engineering.

Filtration Spreadsheets from Dr. Richard Holdich
Calculations include specific surface area, compressible cake at constant pressure, compressible cake at constant flow, power law equation, pressure leaf clarification costing, and rotary vacuum filtration. Complete with documentation. Files are in Excel format, download as a zip file.

Vessel Pressure via the SRK Equation of State
Use this Excel spreadsheet to find the pressure inside a vessel via the SRK equation of state (EOS). Brought to you by the Direction of Software Corner, Somak Mukherjee

Fired Furnace Excess Air Calculation
Calculate the excess air volume required for a hydrocarbon furnace with the Orsat analysis. Excel spreadsheet provided by the Direction of Software Corner, Somak Mukherjee

Financial Calculation Spreadsheet
You know what a chore it is to optimize a chemical process and get to the bottom line. Then you make some changes and have to do it all over again. Here a great spreadsheet that should ease you pain substantially!

Water Properties Program
Download this small helper program so that you have the properties of water at your fingertips. The link above is a direct link to the executable file. This program was graciously donated the Resource Page by Pablo Coronel at

Physical Properties DataBank AddIn for Excel
This Excel AddIn contains a moderate databank of chemicals and a nice array of physical properties. It also contains Excel functions that can be pasted into worksheets (be sure you have one open first). You'll find the AddIn under the Tools menu.

Units Conversions
These handy little programs are just about everywhere. There a good and bad side to this one. The bad side is that is runs in DOS, the good side is that it shows many different conversions at once.

The Reactor Lab
A fantastic program designed to help students gain a better understanding of reactor simulations...and best of's free!

Insulation Calculation Programs
Two programs included to help you with insulation calculations. The "Economic Thickness Calculator" will recommend the appropriate insulation thickness based on energy savings. The "Insulated Pipe Temperature Prediction Spreadsheet" will help you predict the temperature inside a pipe and linear heat loss.

Vapor Pressure of Binary Liquid Mixtures
Use this spreadsheet to find the vapor pressure of binary liquid mixtures. Based on fugacity corrected values from Antoines Law, this spreadsheet give accurate results with minimal inputs.

Physical Property Data Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet for Excel 97 contains data such as boiling and freezing points, critical data, density, vapor and liquid heat capacities, liquid viscosity, vapor pressures, and more for 468 chemicals.

Cooling Tower Calculator
This handy little DOS program will calculate the tower characteristic or cold water temperature for a given cooling tower with just a few inputs. (See Cooling Tower article here at the "Resource Page")

Pipe Size Optimization for Carbon and Stainless Steel Pipes
This simple spreadsheet will calculate the most economical pipe diameter for a system based on flowrate, fluid density, and fluid viscosity. The sheet is to be used for turbulent flow in carbon or stainless steel pipes. It is designed to run on Excel 97 or higher and utilizes the Solver function so it must be installed as well.

Validating Binary VLE Data
Check the thermodynamic consistency of your binary VLE data with this easy to follow analysis. Complete with spreadsheet to save you time!

Costing Distillation Columns
Enter some basic data and this EXCEL ADD-IN will do the rest. Check out the specifications of the program.

Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculator
This program uses data stored in its own Excel Spreadsheet to formulate VLE and other thermodynamic data by several popular correlations. Database of components is expandable so you can add your own components. Developed by William D. Kovats.