PumpBase™ 2.0
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PumpBase™ finds the best pumps for your fluid conveyance application. You can refine your selection by specifying up to 40 selection criteria. PumpBase's database contains thousands of curves from dozens of participating pump manufacturers. Detailed reports are created that can be submitted to pump manufacturers and sales representative for further application verification and price quotes.
Features -
- Complete pump curve database access and editing.
- Communicates with HYDROFLO for system curve development.
- Quick affinity law conversions for speed and trim.
- Extensive and editable liquid property database.
- Automatic viscosity corrections to pump curves.
- Efficiency and NPSHR curves are plotted on pump graphics.
- Both English and SI (metric) units.
- User Project files save all selection information.
- Technical Bulletins/Dimensional Schematics available.
- Liquid temperature rise calculations.
View all pumps by default. As you add restrictions, the database is filtered for those criteria. Optionally specify operating point data TDH (total dynamic head) and operating flow to select pumps whose operating envelopes include the operating point.
Specify NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Head Available) to restrict selection to pumps whose NPSH required is adequate for operation. Specify (or select) liquid property data to obtain pumps that can provide the required flow and TDH. Enter just the pumped liquid properties and view pump curves with viscosity corrections applied. Manual correction factors can be specified and applied to stocks, slurries and other liquids.
Specify additional selection criteria such as specific manufacturer, curve key, series/model, speed, 60/50 Hz, max sphere size, pump orientation (horizontal, vertical, in-line, side-suction, end-suction), application type (fire, well, process, sludge/slurry, dewatering, sewage, wastewater, HVAC), features (portable, submersible, split-case, solids handling, non AC powered, self-priming, high temperature, high corrosive, ANSI, ISO 2858).
Data Output -
Selected pumps are ranked by efficiency and are displayed with associated data.
Calculated viscosity correction factors and liquid temperature changes are displayed.
NPSHR is calculated for pumps along with Brake horsepower and specific speeds at the actual operating point for a given impeller trim or speed. Maximum power for the actual trim or speed and maximum power for pump is calculated and displayed.
All users have the ability to enter and edit pump curves. Registered pump manufacturers have password access to add and edit their pump curves. Users can access and save copies of all pump curves but cannot alter original pump curves.
Liquid property database elements: temperature, specific gravity, viscosity, vapor pressure, specific heat.
Pump database elements: manufacturer name, ISO certified, address, phone, fax, brochure graphic, pump curve key, pump description, series/model, suction size, discharge size, max working temp, max working pressure, max stages, speed, 60/50 Hz, max sphere size, impeller size, performance curve data, max and min flow, efficiency, NPSHR and additional data for selection criteria.
No data input is required to view all the pump curves. If you enter a system's TDH (total dynamic head) and desired flow, all the pumps that meet your requirements are listed in order of efficiency. Once the pumped liquid's properties are specified, standard centrifugal viscosity corrections are automatically applied to all curves. Manual correction factors can be applied to curves also. NPSHA (Net Positive Suction Head Available) and system curve information can optionally be specified. Users can specify up to 40 additional selection criteria to narrow their search. Pump performance curves with iso-efficiency and iso-NPSHR (Net Positive Suction Head Available) lines are displayed along with the design and actual operating points plotted along the system curve.
American Seal - Information on mechanical seals and mechanical seal repairs.
ANSIMag Inc. - Magnetically driven centrifugal pumps.
Ace Pump Co. - Centrifugal water pumps for OEM applications.
American Turbine Pump, Inc. - Vertical turbine and submersible pumps.
Bombas Itur - Centrifugal pumps.
Carter Pump/Coffin Turbo, Inc. - Plunger positive displacement and marine boiler feed centrifugal pumps.
Chesterton - High strength, low maintenance line of centrifugal pumps for the process industry.
Crown Pump Corp., Submersible and vertical turbine pumps.
Dickow Pumps - World leader in magnetic drive pumps.
Dorr-Oliver Inc. - Stainless-steel centrifugal pumps.
Endura/Liquiflo Co - Liquiflo gear and Endura centrifugal pumps.
Finish Thompson Inc. - Industrial/process horizontal end-suction centrifugal pumps for corrosive fluids.
Flowserve - ANSI, ISO and API standard pumps and specially engineered pumps and nuclear upgrades.
Fybroc Div. Met-Pro Corp. - Horizontal ANSI fiberglass centrifugal pumps.
Graco Pumps - Air operated diaphragm pumps.
Gorman-Rupp Co. - Full line of centrifugal, vertical, submersible, rotary gear and diaphragm pumps.
Griswold Pump Co. - Full line of vertical and submersible turbine, end suction centrifugal and ANSI process pumps.
Gusher Pumps - Centrifugal and gear pumps.
H & H Pump & Dredge Co. - Hydraulic powered dredge pumps.
HOMA Pump Technology - Submersible pumps.
Hannmann Machinery/Alyan Pump - Centrifugal pumps for boiler feed, sump, sewage and process applications.
Hayward Gordon Ltd. - Recessed impeller and screw centrifugal pumps.
Homelite, Subs. Deere & Co. - Portable dewatering pumps.
ITT Marlow Pumps - Self-priming, straight centrifugal and split case pumps for water, commercial pool or waterpark applications.
Industrial Filter & Pump Mfg - Horizontal elastomer-lined centrifugal pumps for general chemical process and plating industries.
Liberty Pumps - Drainage, sump and effluent pumps.
Liquid Waste Technology - Portable Chopper pumps for handling sludge and debris in ag, industrial and municipal waste handling applications.
Little Giant Pump Co. - Small submersible pumps for sewage, sump pumps, condensate and mag-drive chemical pumps.
MP Pump (div of Tecumseh Prod) - Horizontal end-suction centrifugal pumps for process applications.
Mody LLC - Submersible drainage and non-clog pumps for contractor and industrial applications.
Multiquip Inc. - Electric submersible pumps for various applications. Gas and diesel powered centrifugal and trash pumps.
Pumpac - AOD pumps, mag-drive pumps and Ebara stainless steel centrifugal pumps.
SERFILCO, Ltd. - Corrosion resistant, sealless, leakproof, submersible plastic pumps in both vertical and horizontal orientation.
Solarjack - Solar powered (DC) submersible centrifugal pumps.
Sterling Fluid Sys/LaBour Pump - Series LV, AB and AVS horizontal end-suction ANSI chemical process pumps.
SyncroFlo Inc. - Vertical multi-stage and horizontal end-suction pump packages for process, HVAC, municipal and irrigation.
Vertiflo Pump Co. - Industrial vertical immersion sump and slurry pumps and pumps for pits, tanks, sumps or basins.
Waterous Co. - Portable gas powered fire pumps.
Weber Industries, Inc. - HT booster pumps.
Wilfley, A. R. & Sons, Inc. - HD line of horizontal side-suction slurry pumps.
Zoeller Pump Co. - High volume water, sewage/waste and hazardous environment pumps. Heads to 153 feet, capacities to 2700 gpm.