Typical U - values
Typical Overall Heat Transfer coefficients (U) for Heat Exchangers.This is a tabulation that can be used as an initial value for the Tentative Sizing online thermal calculator.
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Description of fouling mechanisms. Tips for decreasing the buildup and cleaning the surface are provided.Link to information Information in New Window
Typical Fouling Factors
Tabulation of Fouling Factors for several fluids and applications.Link to information Information in New Window
Fluid Allocation
The allocation of the fluids on the shell or tube side is a decision that can have a significant impact on the performance, economics and maintainability of a heat exchanger. Some general guidelines and considerations are provided on this page.Link to information Information in New Window
Standard Tubesizes
Tabulation of the standard US tube sizes, BWG and wall thicknesses.Link to information Information in New Window
Recommended Tube Layout Pitch
Tabulation of the standard US tube sizes and the recommended pitch.Link to information Information in New Window
TEMA Designation
An overview of the TEMA designation describing type of Heat Exchangers.Link to information Information in New Window