HCALC™ Ver. 1.1
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HCALC solves for...- head loss given diameter, length, friction and flow
- diameter given length, friction, flow and head loss
- flow given diameter, length, friction and head loss
- pipe area given diameter
- velocity given diameter and flow
- diameter given flow and velocity
- flow given diameter and velocity
- Reynolds numbers and friction factors
- Darcy-Weisbach for any incompressible liquid
- Hazen-Williams for water systems
- Manning's equations for water systems
Viscosity will be fixed at 60 degree F water's value when using the Hazen-Williams or Manning equation.
HCALC converts values between various common units. First, make sure the initial unit is displayed to the right of the appropriate data field. Enter the value in the edit field. Right-click the unit and select a new unit type from the pop-up menu. The value will be converted to the appropriate new value for the units selected.
Run HCALC as a stand alone application or have it load at startup and always be available on system tray. Calculations can be copied to the Windows™ clipboard for use in reports and other text applications. A very useful tool for engineers.
Pipe schedules are available for use. Selection of a specific pipe schedule and a nominal diameter allows the actual inside diameter to be used for a more exact flow calculation. When using the Darcy-Weisbach equation, specific roughness will be initially set to an appropriate value when a schedule is selected, but can be altered by selecting from the specific roughness drop-down list or entering a custom value. Likewise, lists of Hazen-Williams coefficients and Manning's n values are available when using those equations.The Liquid Property database provides viscosity and specific gravity data when using the Darcy-Weisbach equation and a specific liquid type is selected from the viscosity drop-down menu.